

Choosing critical illness insurance in Singapore is the best job we can do today to protect ourselves and our family members from any severe medical emergency. We need to hospitalize the person for treatment. It is better than standard health insurance because it provided multiple critical illness treatment and many other additional benefits when we purchased these insurance and prevented and protected us from any financial burden. Treating critical illness costs a lot of money, and we can save this and protect ourselves from any financial troubles.

Better saving

When we purchased traditional or standard health insurance, we are not fully protected; instead, partially covered when it comes to our health. Recently we see the pandemic Covid-19, and nowadays, we all understand health is the top priority to stay well and live. When we buy critical illness insurance in Singapore, we can stay protected from multiple health issues that include critical illness and stay protected and better saving. These insurance companies in Singapore provide discounts, cash voucher, the maximum payout, free consultation, etc.

Covered instantly

In Singapore, we do not have to visit the insurance company. Purchasing or get insured in critical illness insurance in Singapore is an easy process. We only need to visit the insurance company’s website or check the internet because many insurance companies provide different plans and insurance coverage in Singapore. We only need to answer a few questions online, and we can insure ourselves and protect ourselves from any medical emergency and financial support.

Cover different types of critical illness

Critical means a severe illness which not be neglect or the person might die if not treated on time. However, today we can protect ourselves and our family members from a heart attack, Parkinson disease, kidney failure, primary organ transplantation, brain tumour, end-stage liver disease, Alzheimer’s disease etc. These are the major critical illness which needs proper support and hospitalization, and we can prevent them during an emergency.

Life-saving insurance coverage

In Singapore, critical illness insurance is a life-saving insurance plan because it covers an individual from any primary severe medical condition to save an individual and works as financial support. To protect the person from any financial burden and make everyone trouble-free when we do not have the money to treat ourselves or the person from any critical illness and cover all other medical expenses. It is all in one insurance plan to buy today and protect ourselves and our family members before any medical emergency comes.


Buying critical illness insurance in Singapore is cost-effective, and everyone can accept this insurance today and protect from a health issue. There is more scope when looking for the best and cost-effective insurance plan. In Singapore, because of the availability of more insurance companies that provide critical illness insurance coverage plans to stay protected from any medical condition when it is severe and prevent ourselves from any financial problem, many costs are involved in treatment when it is a critical illness.

These days we can also protect our maid from any health condition people who ride a bike and come to work and protect them from personal accidents, hospital and surgical costs, a clinical check-up by covering themselves with MoneyIQ maid insurance in Singapore. This insurance will also cover all the medical expenses when the maid visits a medical clinic for a check-up or visit a dental clinic. Today, we can transfer our domestic helper insurance to moneyiq maid insurance to protect them from many health conditions in any medical emergency condition.

Cover Covid-19 and Teleconsultation

To prevent Covid-19, we can cover people or maid who rides a bike and comes to work is more prone to this disease and to protect them is the most important work for us because they come to work and prevent the infection from spreading today to cover our maids with moneyiq maid insurance. We can cover them with stay home notice and prevent our maid from other diseases and infections like dengue etc. with a free medical teleconsultation all over the year to protect their health.

More health benefits and coverage

When an individual buys moneyiq maid insurance for the maid, the insured person also gets benefits when the maid visits the medical clinic six times in a given year. The insured person will get an additional 50% saving which we can use to cover other health benefits of infectious diseases for our maids like critical illness and covid-19. It is insurance in Singapore to protect our maid when it comes to critical illness or visits a medical clinic or a dental clinic and protect their health. The insured person will also get benefits from the insurance company.

More medical benefits for riders

In Singapore, domestic helper insurance is mandatory. Maid or employee works are protected under this insurance to protect their health, but choosing moneyiq maid insurance in Singapore is the best choice because it will protect our maid from any health problems because of more benefits than domestic helper insurance cover the maid is easy. We can protect them from critical illness, high expenses due to hospital and surgical treatment, covid-19, Dengue, sars, malaria, HFMD, avian influenza, and the best advantage getting a whole year free medical teleconsultation.

Personal accidental and hospitalization benefits

We can protect our maid from personal accidental and hospitalization benefits. When an accident or an illness occurs when there is an emergency, and the maid needs to hospitalize due to an accident or treat the sickness, the insured person can claim the total amount and reimburse it.


Nowadays, we can protect our health from a critical illness that needs proper hospitalization and money. Still, when we insured with critical illness insurance in Singapore, we do not have to worry about financial problems and emergencies because everything will take care of. It helps anyone from any financial burden. Also, we protect our maid from accident, hospitalization cost, or any other illness today with Moneyiq maid insurance.